Sunday, September 2, 2012

JustBeenPaid! is now ProfitClicking!

First of all, no need to worry! In fact, it’s getting better! Many HYIP’s stop one day and all people who’re involved at that time will lose their money. That’s the thing that happens over and over with HYIP’s but not with JustBeenPaid, now ProfitClicking. In previous post we’ve described the restart feature as one of the tools to keep the system going. There were also some legal issues that are solved now (at least for now) by changing to ProfitClicking. Even though the website isn’t fully operational yet you can see in the conference room that there will be some new features but most of all you’re current JustBeenPaid account will move entirely to ProfitClicking so you’ll get to keep you money and your referrals!

For me the big difference between all HYIP’s or other ‘make money online’ programs is the honesty, dedication and fantastic communication with JustBeenPaid/ProfitClicking. Of course my first reaction was “Oh my god” when I saw I couldn’t login to my JustBeenPaid account anymore but the information a got right away gave me confidence that it would all turn out right at the end. Next week the new website should be up and running and we can continue to make money with buying positions (now called: buying ad packages).

I’m looking forward to see how it’ll all work. At the moment this really is my number one opportunity to make money online. Needles to say, I’ll keep you posted on the developments of ProfitClicking. I really believe we’ll all have an even better system to make money when it’s fully operational.

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